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Athens County Buried Rev War Patriots Plaque.jpg
Athens County Buried Rev War Patriots Plaque.jpg
Plaque on Athens County Court House listing known residents of the county who fought in Continental Army in the Revolutionary War.
Athens County Founders Plaque.jpg
Athens County Founders Plaque.jpg
A plaque that honors the founders of Athens County from New England, many of whom were veterans of the War of Independence.
James Brice, Patriot, Tombstone, West State.JPG
James Brice, Patriot, Tombstone, West State.JPG
A replacement tombstone in the West State Street Cemetery for James Brice, a veteran of the Revolution. The replacement stone was put up by W. E. Peters, a local historian.
West State Street Cemetery Veterans Plaque.JPG
West State Street Cemetery Veterans Plaque.JPG
The gate of the West Street Cemetery, where veterans of several early wars are listed.